We’ve come a long way in four years. We’ve righted the ship with Council and staff at City Hall. We pulled together during a pandemic. Now we’re poised to become a modern resort City where young people want to live and the world wants to visit…but we have to keep moving forward.
Keep moving forward…
on tourism
We’ll finally be able to act on our regional tourism plan by building new mountain biking and hiking trails, developing a marketing plan for the Bay of Islands, and getting our Jigs and Wheels festival off the ground! With Covid gone, our cruise tourism business is poised to be bigger than ever. Let’s solve the gap in our ATV route on the North Shore highway and make Corner Brook the outdoor adventure capital of Newfoundland.
Keep moving forward…
on attracting young families
Construction is set to begin on our new Aquatics Centre. We need to transform transit and make our City more walkable. We’ve got to make our City welcoming to newcomers and immigrants from all over the world. Let’s continue our partnerships with Grenfell and CNA to build our knowledge economy.
Keep moving forward…
on improving City services
We’re finding ways to make City Hall more efficient and responsive. We need to continue working with staff to build pride in the work we do and deliver better customer service to our residents. There’s no magic bullet to running an organization as diverse as City Hall—labourers, zamboni drivers, engineers, accountants, firefighters, etc.—so slow and steady wins the race. We’re making investments in equipment, we’re trying new ways of doing things and we’re doing more with less money.
Keep moving forward…
on strengthening our region
Corner Brook doesn’t exist in a bubble. The people who work, shop and visit our City come from all over our region. They share our water. They share our recreational facilities. They share our health care resources. If we work together we can find efficiencies in how we deliver services and reduce costs for everyone. Let’s continue to stregthen our partnerships with our municipal neighbours and be a leader for the West Coast.